
A reference in health services, Rede D’Or always acts to minimize impacts and build a positive and transparent relationship with employees and the society, in order to learn and contribute to a better Brazil.

The group consists of more than 60 thousand direct employees and 87 thousand physicians.


Through the Ombudsman’s channel we listen to patients in all units, no matter how complex and critical the demands.

Since 2012, we have improved the process of measuring the quality of the services provided and developed an innovative research system in the Brazilian hospital market.

It is the Continuous Patient Satisfaction Survey, which allows the capturing of the needs and expectations of customers in relation to the services provided.


In our segment, health and safety care should be doubled. Together with the Internal Commission for the Prevention of Occupational Accidents (CIPA), we promote campaigns for the dissemination of safety and quality of life practices, training, equipment and procedure adequacies, occupational health medical control programs, environmental risk prevention and health promotion.

And once a year CIPA promotes the Internal Week for the Prevention of Occupational Accidents (SIPAT).


We work with three training programs for young talents: internship, trainee and apprentices, all with the objective of promoting the inclusion of these professionals in the labor market.

Since starting their work on the company, the employee is welcomed through the integration program. Performance evaluations are carried out, oriented to the development of every worker’s career, and frequent training and lectures are constantly offered.


The hospital structure, which offers complex services 24 hours a day, comprises activities with potential to generate environmental impacts in several aspects. The consumption of water and energy and the generation of liquid effluents and solid waste are among the main ones.

We periodically monitor our indicators to detect deviations from targets and guide corrective and preventive measures. The actions are based on the analysis and technological development of the facilities and on the promotion of the education of employees and customers.

We deepen actions that involve reducing the consumption of water, electricity and fuel gas, and minimize waste production by stimulating recycling.


Rede D’Or establishes in its HSE Policy the main guidelines that synthesize its commitment in consonance with the principles of Sustainable Development:

  • Comply with environmental legislation inherent to our activities, in addition to the mapping of opportunities for improvement in order to achieve the Company’s objectives;
  • Comply with the Health, Safety, and Occupational Accident or Occupational Disease prevention and Workplace Incident legislation;
  • Disseminate culture and prevention practices, as well as encourage good practices in health and safety and improve the perception before dangers and risks;
  • Keep registration, follow-up and control systems for environmental aspects and impacts related to its business;
  • Keep a systematic record, control and analysis of near-accidents;
  • Maintain a Hierarchy of controls with a systematic approach to improve occupational health and safety;
  • Identify the most relevant occupational and environmental risks in order to provide safe and healthy workplaces and establish an appropriate treatment with monitoring and control, eliminating, neutralizing or minimizing the risks of health and safety of the worker and the environment;
  • Maintain the mental health promotion and the well-being of its workers, contributing to the minimization of non-transmissible diseases via prevention and aid in diagnosis and the improvement of quality of life;
  • Promote awareness and health campaigns with the dissemination of information and knowledge for health care in a preventive way;
  • To neutralize diseases caused by dangerous chemicals, air and water contamination and pollution of the soil;
  • Adopt practices for the efficient use of natural and other resources required for our services;
  • Encourage and develop projects and socio-environmental initiatives according to the specificities of the regions where we operate;
  • Seek opportunities to contribute to the achievement of global sustainability goals adherent to our business, seeking partnerships, solutions and technologies for our commitments with sustainable development;
  • Promote the continuous improvement of the SHE Management System, in all our units, by means of periodic evaluations of performance results and of specific objectives and goals.

Health, Safety and Environment Policy – Portuguese | English


Rede D’Or publishes annually its Sustainability Report prepared based on the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), a global standard for this type of publication.

The document presents, in a consolidated way, the main events and results of the year with regard to economic, social and environmental aspects, from January 1 to December 31.

2023 Edition – Portuguese

2023 Edition – English

2022 Edition – Portuguese

2022 Edition – English

Materiality review process – Sustainability Report 2022 – Portuguese

Materiality review process – Sustainability Report 2022 – English

TCFD Report – Sustainability Report 2022 – Portuguese

TCFD Report – Sustainability Report 2022 – English

Climate risks scenarios and matrix study – 2023 – Portuguese

Climate risks scenarios and matrix study – 2023 – English

2021 Edition – Portuguese

2021 Edition – English

2020 Edition – Portuguese

2020 Edition – English

Materiality review process – Sustainability Report 2020 – Portuguese

Materiality review process – Sustainability Report 2020 – English

2019 Edition – Portuguese

2019 Edition – English

2018 Edition – Portuguese

2018 Edition – English

2017 Edition – Portuguese

2017 Edition – English

2016 Edition – Portuguese

2016 Edition – English

2015 Edition – Portuguese

2015 Edition – English


For Rede D’Or, sustainable development is achieved when its business generates value for its shareholders and other stakeholders, supporting social strengthening, the maintenance and improvement of the health and safety of its workers and neighboring communities, environmental responsibility and socioeconomic development of the regions where it operates, through conscious and responsible management, voluntary business actions and intersectoral partnerships.

We have the principle of prioritizing risk and impact management, pursuing zero damage to employees and communities, respecting current legislation and taking into account opinions and suggestions of third parties and/or stakeholders in the decision-making, going beyond the reduction and neutralization of the negative impacts made by our activity.

Rede D’Or is committed to continuously developing the skills of its human capital in social and environmental issues and involving its stakeholders in building a scenario appropriate to its challenges as an institution that advocates for health and life.

Sustainability Policy (Portuguese Only)


In all locations where we operate, our commitment is to increase the offer of beds and improve the facilities and health service structure. Most of the investments are aimed at improving the quality of care.